Aiding Fish, Birds and Wildlife
As a critical member of the overall management of water resources in Northern California, we take pride in assisting fish and wildlife throughout the Sacramento Valley.
Salmon spawning gravel project
The Sacramento River hosts the world’s most unique Chinook salmon runs in the world. From the upper tributaries located north of Redding to the San Francisco Bay, a salmon’s journey begins and ends in this Northern California river system.
From the Headwaters to the River Mouth
We are involved in several habitat projects to support endangered Chinook salmon during key life stages.
Key Life Stages of Salmon
We are involved in several habitat projects to support endangered Chinook salmon during key life stages.
Hands-On Approach
For more than three decades we have taken a hands-on approach to solve the problems our native and endangered species are facing along the Sacramento River. Whether it be creating spawning habitat north of Redding, installing fish screens in the middle river or flooding fields for fish and bird habitat.