The Sacramento River Settlement Contractors include irrigation and reclamation districts, mutual water companies, partnerships, corporations, municipalities and individuals in the Sacramento Valley. Some of our members hold pre-1914 appropriative water rights, some of the oldest in California.
SRSC is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit mutual benefit corporation organized under the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law.
Five Largest rights holders
The five largest rights holders on the Sacramento River under the contract are Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District, Reclamation District 108, Sutter Mutual Water Company, Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District and Natomas Central Mutual Water Company.
Thad Bettner
Executive Director
roger cornwell
Board President
Board Members
SRSC is governed by a seven-member board of directors that establishes policies and makes decisions based on the organization’s mission, goals and operational needs.
Tier 1
Bill Henle (2026)
Casey Hoppin (2026)
Roger Cornwell (2027)
Tom Ramos (2027)
Logan Dennis (2025)
Don Bransford (2025)
Tier 2
Brett Scheidel (2026)
Jered Shipley (2026)
Sean Doherty (2027)
Ryan Bailey (2027)
Ed Hulbert (2025)
Hans Herkert (2025)
Tier 3
Andy Duffey (2026)
Eric Schreiner (2026)
Our srsc Members
Below lists the largest of the 135+ settlement contractors
Glenn - Colusa ID
RD 108
Sutter MWC
Anderson - Cottonwood ID
Natomas Central MWC
RD 1004
Princeton - Codora - Glenn ID
Provident ID
Conaway Conservancy Group
Meridian Farms WC
Sycamore Mutual Water Co.
River Garden Farms Co.
Pleasant Grove - Verona MWC
City of Redding
Maxwell ID
M&T Ranch
Woodland - Davis Clean Water Agency
Tisdale I&D Co.
Pelger MWC
Carter MWC
Jack Baber
OJI Family Partnership
Robert’s Ditch
Windswept Orchards
Andreotti Associates LLPGriffin & Prater, TIC
Howald Farms, Inc
Tarke, Stephan & Debra
Van Ruitan Bros.
Henle Family Limited Partnership
Swenson Farms, LLC
Butte Creek Farms (M)
Riverby Ranches, LLC
Natomas Basin Conservancy
Butler, Diane
Fedora Farms, C/O SIB Fedora (Allen Ehrke)
Wallace, Joeseph and Janine
Kaelin, Cameron
Jansens, Peter & Sandy